
Welcome to my blog which is endeavouring to map my journey through a Professional Doctorate in Education. The learning curve is steep and all climbing aids are welcome!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

To blog or not to blog?

Am I a blogger? I am certainly attracted to the concept and am intrigued by networks and their formation. Micro-blogging in the form of 'tweeting' fills one space: a good way to pass on links and points of interest and it's curious how people find you and seem to think you're worth following...

Blogging in this format is more complex I think. I go for days or weeks without writing anything, mainly because the thoughts that see to be worth writing about occur when I'm in the car, or waiting for a train or in a meeting - all the places where I don't have immediate access to a computer.

So, how do you set about blogging? There's something about having something to say, and that's wrapped up in feelings of worthiness. Have I the agency to be saying what I'm saying, some might say 'insight blogging': somehow showing the inner workings of my though processes.

Like many, I find the process of writing at the computer easier these days, and I in fact, I haven't kept a journal since I was a teenager. However, this ease of  'cut and paste', of being able rewrite, rearrange and delete thoughts as they tumble out of my head is a useful tool. Something that makes me have to stop and think.

It's been an interesting process, preparing to deliver a short input on blogging for colleagues -  http://prezi.com/7dwqt0ki8tiv/blog/  - and it's made me stop and think about how I am currently using this blog as a tool for reflection. It has currently been purely around reflection, posing thoughts that can be returned to or 'parked' perhaps. Next post will be an experiment, based on the wish to of create some dialogue around a specific question to see who's out there, and this will hopefully lead to a collaboration of ideas which takes it into a whole new sphere, I guess.


  1. Thanks for this (and your session) Jane. I think once you start getting comments they validate your posts and encourage you to write more. Nothing like a comment dry spell to make you feel your thoughts are of no interest and it's not worth writing more. I love reading how other people's minds work, that tumble of thoughts is when people are being honest, which is always good.

  2. Thanks Katie,
    I love this image of a 'tumble of thoughts'! That's certainly what my brain does when I'm trying to multi-task!
